• الموقع : موقع سماحة العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني .
        • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .
              • القسم الفرعي : English .
                    • الموضوع : Mohamad Ali El Husseini to Indyk: The eradication of terrorism needs cooperation and we must shoulder our responsibilities to tackle the disease of extremism .

Mohamad Ali El Husseini to Indyk: The eradication of terrorism needs cooperation and we must shoulder our responsibilities to tackle the disease of extremism

Mohamad Ali El Husseini to Indyk: The eradication of terrorism needs cooperation and we must shoulder our responsibilities to tackle the disease of extremism

 Dr. Mohamad Ali El Husseini  met on the sidelines of the Doha Forum with the American Ambassador and Vice-President of the Brookings Institute for Middle East Studies Martin Indyk.
 El Husseini stressed that dialogue is the best solution to many of the thorny issues in the region, and that we are taking steps forward towards certain achievements.
 On the issue of countering terrorism, El Husseini stressed that the eradication of terrorism begins with its widespread intellectual foundation, which requires great efforts and cooperation between us to abort it.
 Sayed El Husseini also pointed out that extremism is a cancerous disease plaguing our world.
All of our responsibilities must be met to address this dangerous phenomenon by raising awareness and spreading the values ​​of tolerance.

  • المصدر : http://www.mohamadelhusseini.com/subject.php?id=349
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2017 / 05 / 16
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 02 / 23