الصفحة الرئيسية

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إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

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إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

  • مؤتمرات (72)
  • مقالات وأبحاث (187)
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  • نداء الجمعة (40)
  • التقريب بين المذاهب الإسلامية (29)

لغات أخرى :

إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

  • English (143)
  • France (120)
  • Türkçe (69)
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  • עברית (37)

خدمات :

  • الصفحة الرئيسية
  • أرشيف المواضيع
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  • القسم الرئيسي : لغات أخرى .

        • القسم الفرعي : English .

              • الموضوع : Speech of His Eminence the scholar Mohamad Ali El Husseini on the occasion of the Prophet s birthday .

Speech of His Eminence the scholar Mohamad Ali El Husseini on the occasion of the Prophet s birthday

El Husseini, on the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet (PBUH)... Muhammad’s message to humanity was comprehensive and just, dedicated to the values ​​of love and tolerance, confronting manifestations of racism, violence, and extremism.

Speech of His Eminence the scholar Mohamad Ali El Husseini on the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday.


O beloved ones, the birth of Muhammad (PBUH) changed the course of history, as he brought a message of mercy to all humanity, “And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds.” Muhammad came to spread the message of his Lord and bring people out of the oppression of His servants to the justice of the Lord of His servants, and from the worship of His servants to the worship of the Lord of His servants, and from the enslavement of people to their liberation. He came to perfect morals, values ​​and virtues, and he said (may God bless him and grant him peace) “I was sent to perfect the noblest morals” and he received a certificate and a medal from the Lord of the Worlds that you are of great creation. He came to rid humanity of bad customs and outdated traditions and saved them from fear, violence and extremism and kept them away from fanaticism and called them to love, tolerance and moderation.


The message of the Prophet Muhammad came to confront the rampant racism at that time, saying, “There is no difference between an Arab and a non-Arab, or a white or a black, except by piety.” It placed people in the scale of Islam’s justice, all of them equal in humanity, duties, and rights. Rather, he was a mercy that crawled on the earth and a tree whose mercy kept young and old, men and women, in order to establish with his morals the existing values ​​of Islam. On love between all human beings, his heart was large enough for an entire nation.


  طباعة  ||  أخبر صديقك  ||  إضافة تعليق  ||  التاريخ : 2023/09/27  ||  القرّاء : 42117

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جديد الموقع :

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 كتب العلامة السيد محمد علي الحسيني فقه الإعلام

مواضيع متنوعة :

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 Sayed Mohamad Ali El Husseini with Vatican's Ambassador to Lebanon, Gabriel Kacha.

 Dr.Mohamad Ali El Hüsseini nin İstanbul Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Konferansında yaptığı konuşmadan alıntılar

 كتاب : فقه الحج مفاهيم ومناسك وأعمال ، للسيد محمد علي الحسيني // متن الكتاب

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 التسامح في النفوس قبل النصوص مقال السيد محمد علي الحسيني

  العلامة الحسيني يلتقي في باريس مدير حاخامات اوروبا ويؤكد على ضرورة مكافحة التطرف في الأديان .

إحصاءات :

  • الأقسام الرئيسية : 3

  • الأقسام الفرعية : 16

  • عدد المواضيع : 1205

  • التصفحات : 158517744

  • التاريخ :