Brief biographyd Mohamed Ali El Husseini
Brief biography
The scholar, Mr. Mohamad Ali El Husseini, a Saudi national, the current Secretary General of the Arab Islamic Council, a member of the Board of Trustees of the King Hamad International Center, a jurisprudential expert at the International Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, and advisor of Muslim World League.
Mr. Mohamad Ali El Husseini is a writer, lecturer, and Islamic thinker who has weight, influence, and influence on the Islamic, European, and African scene. He is respected and appreciated by all intellectual and academic circles and religious institutions, especially those concerned with dialogue, acquaintance, and interaction between civilizations. He is distinguished by his moderate, open intellectual positions and his moderate, tolerant approach.
Mr. El Husseini has special interests and knowledge of contemporary matters, intellectual issues, and jurisprudential issues, and focuses on interfaith dialogue, rapprochement between sects, and confronting hate speech and extremism.
Mr. El Husseini has made visual media contributions and lectures, not to mention the studies, research, published intellectual analyses, and articles published weekly in the most important newspapers.
El Husseini has more than seventy books on intellectual, jurisprudential, ethical, historical, and fundamentals of jurisprudence topics, and he has the Muslim Knowledge Series, which includes all the scientific knowledge that a Muslim needs to know. All of the works are printed, and some of them have been translated into English and French.
He participated in several conferences, events, meetings, and intellectual, jurisprudential, legal, and social forums in Islamic, European, and African countries, and had a distinguished scientific presence in them, most notably his distinguished participation in the announcement of the Document of Human Fraternity conference between the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and the Pope of the Vatican, as well as his presence in the “Pact of Curiosities” at the Abu Dhabi Peace Forum. He also announced the Mecca Document Conference with the Muslim World League, as well as his numerous participations in intellectual and religious dialogue sessions in the European Union in Brussels and at the United Nations in Geneva.
His Eminence seeks to build the general foundation for his opinions and positions according to a comprehensive vision based on a careful understanding of various religions, sects and cultures, seeking through this to find axes and foundations for dialogue and rapprochement and to build bridges, not only between followers of religions and sects, but also humanity as a whole, in order to spread the culture of peace and the rule of the principle of tolerance. Pluralism, acceptance of others, and human brotherhood.
Mr. Mohamad Ali El Husseini is considered one of the prominent scholars and thinkers in the Arab and Islamic world who enjoys respect and appreciation for his scientific activities and intellectual efforts calling for the approach of moderation and moderation, promoting the values of tolerance, spreading the culture of peace, adopting paths of dialogue, accepting the other as he is, and openness to humanity with active peaceful humanitarian activity in Islamic and European countries. His thesis was to obtain a doctorate in this context.