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إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

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إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

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إظهار / إخفاء الأقسام الفرعية

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        • القسم الفرعي : English .

              • الموضوع : Jews in the (Eastern) Arab countries are an active people in our countries who have been subjected to injustice and persecution. We call for their empowerment with nationality By Dr Mohamad Ali El Husseini .

Jews in the (Eastern) Arab countries are an active people in our countries who have been subjected to injustice and persecution. We call for their empowerment with nationality By Dr Mohamad Ali El Husseini

Jews in the (Eastern) Arab countries are an active people in our countries who have been subjected to injustice and persecution. We call for their empowerment with nationality



Dr. Mohamad Ali El Husseini


The Arab or Eastern Jews, they are the Arabic-speaking Jews who were born or who lived in the Arab countries as indigenous people, not as subjects or expatriates.

It is known that the Arab Jews had a homeland everywhere in the Arab world, where they started on the Arab level, witnessing a normal life, and the Jews of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, the Arab Gulf and the Arab Maghreb are famous for their legacy and that they are Arabs of language, customs, customs and traditions, so they were an integral part of the resident Arab peoples In it and belonging to it.


Arab Jews were not equal in all Arab countries. Their conditions were different according to the country in which they resided and they had their religious and social rights, but most of them were dealt with on the principle of citizenship without discrimination.


The rise of Arab and Islamic nationalities and the establishment of the State of Israel has negatively affected the status of the Jews in the Arab countries.


The declaration and establishment of the State of Israel contributed to the rise of Arab and Islamic nationalities is what has caused persecution, injustice and attacks on Arab Jews in Arab countries, in addition to Zionist propaganda with the idea of ​​the Jewish motherland and the necessity to emigrate to it and live in it and live in it and be loyal to it, all of this led to the ostracization of Arab Jews in Arab countries and helped in a large wave of displacement for fear of Their lives and possessions.


Arab Jews were persecuted as a result of the political situation in the Arab countries.


There is no doubt that the (Eastern) Arab Jews have been subjected to injustice and prejudice in their Arab countries, as a result of the political conditions and changes that took place at the time, although they have great national advantage in developing and developing their Arab homelands, in several scientific, economic, industrial and banking fields, and they have formed an important component One of the active and effective components of society.

To be fair, the great persecution and injustice that Arab Jews were subjected to, through the theft of their property, revoking their nationality, and expelling them from their Arab countries for political, racial or sectarian reasons, this is contrary to the most basic human right, knowing that the political circumstances were not justified for all of this, pursuant to the divine command "No bearer of burdens shall bear another's burden".


Restoring the nationality to Arab Jews is a positive step to restore their active role in building their countries.


The departure of the Jews from their Arab countries greatly affected the social balance and the civilization fabric, and there is no doubt that this affected various aspects and fields, as we said earlier that the Jews played a major role in the renaissance, building and advancement of their Arab countries, hence the officials in the Arab countries should restore considering their situation. What is required is to return them to their homelands and issue special laws to re-grant them citizenship and return their property, so that they return to their positive role in building our Arab countries, and to achieve justice, which is the basis of rules.


  طباعة  ||  أخبر صديقك  ||  إضافة تعليق  ||  التاريخ : 2020/10/08  ||  القرّاء : 109878

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إحصاءات :

  • الأقسام الرئيسية : 3

  • الأقسام الفرعية : 16

  • عدد المواضيع : 1205

  • التصفحات : 158512639

  • التاريخ :