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              • الموضوع : Homosexuality and the opinions of the monotheistic religions from it Mohamad Ali ElHusseini .

Homosexuality and the opinions of the monotheistic religions from it Mohamad Ali ElHusseini

The issue of homosexuality constitutes a great controversy as a result of its spread in our societies and its appearance in the open recently through well-known personalities, which made the matter raise several questions about this phenomenon from the societal perspective and the position of religions between extremism and laxity, so it must be studied and analyzed according to humanitarian standards and the position of religions on that.


The opinion of human societies throughout history from homosexuality


Certainly, homosexuality has never been accepted in different ages and in various civilizations, but rather it was rejected because it posed a threat to offspring and normal healthy relationships that are as a general rule between men and women, and to take an example of this what was stated by the French sociologist Michel Foucault in his book "The History of Homosexuality", which was called for the first time by this name "gay", linked to the story of Queen Victoria, who ordered the men of the aristocracy to stop having male sex, and demanded doctors to provide a careful study of the phenomenon and ways to treat it.

This means that these practices were not accepted by society, and that the judges at that time criminalized them in accordance with the orders of Queen Victoria, who considered the phenomenon a violation of the prevailing pattern and did not tolerate the perpetrators of this behavior.


The opinion of monotheistic religions on homosexuality


The view of the Judaeo-Christian-Islamic monotheistic religions of homosexuality was not a superficial or stereotypical view stemming from the personal opinions of religious scholars, but rather a single view to preserve the continuity of offspring and human reproduction according to natural human rules, and it distances itself from everything that is inconsistent with human instinct.

The practice of homosexual behavior between males according to the Jewish religion is considered a major indecency that must be abstained from. As for the Bible, homosexuality is condemned, and its behavior is contrary to human nature and instinct. Rather, it is considered a sin, obscene and insulting to the female, full of sin and adultery. The practice of sexual activity of the same sex is prohibited by consensus among Muslims, due to the presence of several verses in the Holy Qur’an about homosexuality, so it came in Surat Al-Shu`ara for example: “And forsake what your Lord has created for you from your wives, but you are an evil people.”


Healthy human nature started from Adam and Eve.


Homosexuality, in our opinion, is not the origin in human history that began with Adam and Eve, but rather it is the new or emergency. The basic rule is the relationship and mating between a man and a woman, which leads to procreation and reproduction. The objection to this is that homosexuals can adopt a child and form A family, then such a family will be artificial and thus contradictory to sound human instinct and morals. The natural family is necessarily the source of love, family warmth, and a feeling of complete security and tranquility.

We do not believe that it is possible to change the ruling and the position of the heavenly religions, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity, regarding the sanctity of homosexuality. The important point that I would like to raise here is that our reality is completely different from the Western reality. In the West on our societies to maintain the societal fabric.

Mohamad Ali El Husseini

  طباعة  ||  أخبر صديقك  ||  إضافة تعليق  ||  التاريخ : 2022/02/25  ||  القرّاء : 70826

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إحصاءات :

  • الأقسام الرئيسية : 3

  • الأقسام الفرعية : 16

  • عدد المواضيع : 1205

  • التصفحات : 158522956

  • التاريخ :